The authoritative US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) within the Department of Health and Human Sciences has a National Toxicology Program that produces regular reports on carcinogens. The long delayed web-based 13th report contains reviews of substances known, or reasonably anticipated, to cause cancer in humans. NIEHS notes this edition replaces earlier editions (which are not referenced in this bibliography). The publication has proved politically contentious and subject to protracted delays, with the controversy covered in the New York Times. In September 2012 over 70 health scientists from around the US signed a letter to Congress asking it to reject attempts by the chemical industry to defund and delay the Report. The industry lobby has been keen to block inclusion in this US list of cancer chemicals some substances accepted already by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as top rated group 1 human carcinogens.
13th report on carcinogens (RoC). Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services, published 2 October 2014. NIEHS Q&A on the 13th ROC. NRDC 5 September 2012 blog on the funding controversy.